Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Music Can Save A Life

"Music Can Save A Life," José Antonio Abreu

What a legacy: lasting gifts for Venezuela and the world. Beyond words to notes,
to music and the celebration of the human spirit.

The classical music reporter Daniel J. Wakin discusses the Venezuelan music education program founded by José Antonio Abreu.

Prayer of the Musician

You are the Divine Musician
You write the songs
I, your humble musician,
Simply play along with
all of life's compositions
Lifting, gifting 'til
All the world sings.

(This seems to be a variation on
another poem I wrote. Today my
memory is a bit - off.)

Connie Nelson Ahlberg - All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your beautiful words Connie - you are inspiring and insightful. So glad you are able to share your gift on this blog. Congratulations!
    Annie Rachel
