Thursday, June 14, 2012

Heroines' Transcendence

Morning Glory Close-up Wikipedia

Heroines transcend with quiet or loud deliberation;
Some ascend with screams of anguish
For lives taken in a physical struggle
They were too small to win;

Heroines transcend voices that said you
Can't or won't;
That small businesses fail
And you'll never be a CEO;

Which forced many to go and pound signs
Into their own doors where even doubters
Are forced to read them;

Heroines finish years of study
To knock on male doors and say
I'm as qualified as you
To come in;

Heroines can live simple lives--
Or so they seem,
Until you see the sky
Lit up behind them
With love or loss, accomplishment and sacrifice;

They transcend illnesses;
Knowing when they have to give in and rest
And when they can carry on:
"I might miss something," they say;

Heroines see the truth
And own it and laugh at simple joys;
Transcendence has become
A part of them like shining skin
And holiness they prayed
And courage they lived
And love they know. 

Written in 1998 by Connie Nelson Ahlberg

Honoring Susan Fisher - Luminous Heart/Luminous Soul
2/17/1948 - 8/21/2011

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