Any beginning is a continuation. Today I want to honor a petite, dear woman named Joan Myers. Joan was scheduled for brain surgery; tests showed she had an aneurysm. I was worried about her. Thus I wrote "The Prayer of One More Thing." Joan, already a breast cancer survivor, made it through her operation. A great day! Here is the poem I wrote in honor of my dear friend.
(But this is also for a dear man in hospice with his wife at his side.)
The Prayer of One More Thing
Truly, have I not endured everything?
O Infinite One, here's one more thing!
Take me to Thy Wisdom Tree where
Outstretched limbs shall shelter me!
I know Thou art the Holy One;
Yet, just last week,
I assumed I was done;
Caress me as I cling
To my swaying tree,
And though,
Unknowing what the future brings,
I shall sit with Wisdom on Thy bark
And sing.
(Or take from me--This one last thing.)
Connie Nelson Ahlberg - All Rights Reserved.
This blog is in honor of those we love. This blog is in honor--of you.