Friday, July 20, 2012

O Faith and Feathers

Dove, the Bird of Peace
by WheelPlantUser1 Wikipedia

Dear Bird of Grace,
I come with faith
to your feathers
to bury my face against your
beating heart;
as you, with Our Infinite Creator,
hold me with your warmth;
remind me holiness is real,
profoundly able to 
lift and heal darkness;
O Faith and Feathers,
catch my tears.

By Connie Nelson Ahlberg
Honoring Angels lost this day

Saturday, July 7, 2012

In Honor of the Olympics - Prayer of the Risk Taker

Woman performing a "swallow dive", 1937

Prayer of the Risk Taker

I believe as surely
as I dive
into the waters below,
You, O Lord,
Will grant me
The buoyancy
to emerge
from the depths
to dive again!
My body
shimmering, wet,
Thy risk taker
in mid air
You're there!

©1995 Connie Nelson Ahlberg
All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Today God Cups Your Face

 Italian depiction of the parable of the Good Samaritan - Wikipedia
La parabola del Buon Samaritano Messina Chiesa della Medaglia Miracolosa Casa di Ospitalita Collereale

Today God Cups Your Face

Today God
Cups your face
With caring and knows
What you've given
And to whom;
The room in your heart
And who you give it to;
He sees small kindnesses
And courageous effort
On ordinary days that
Are lifted, lifted to God's plane
As He cups your face with caring.

2000 Connie Nelson Ahlberg - All Rights Reserved.