Saturday, March 3, 2012

Gratitude for the Good

Gratitude for the Good

My ninety seven year-old dad reminded me yesterday that my grandfather, Carl F. Nelson, was born March 2 on Park Point in Duluth, MN. How amazing to be so cognizant at that advanced age to remember your father's birthday!

I've heard many times that my grandfather went to school with Native Americans. Back then they were called Indians.

My grandfather now rests in the Lutsen, Minnesota cemetery where I've recently learned of the existence of a common grave of the Ojibwe tribe. I believe those diligently at work in making the cemetery a beautiful, and well-kept final home, are honoring this holy ground. Alta McQuatters, an officer on the cemetery committee, has thanked Scott Harrison, the Nelson family (who have donated the land), and early native Ojibwe who helped make the first cemetery and the new cemetery possible.

“These words will be bronzed and placed on a rock in the cemetery,” said McQuatters. Alta, one of the is a descendants of the earliest Native Americans on the North Shore, has been at work to make this happen. Honoring. It is what we are here to do. Honoring ourselves, honoring each other. So many have  have been dedicated to lifting this home amidst the evergreens. (Others who spent countless hours seeding grass, increasing the size and scope of the cemetery, planting flowers, landscaping, and preparing for future residents are George "Bub" Nelson, Richard C. Nelson, and Virginia Storlie.)

Prayer of the Surrendering Warrior
Honoring the Native American Spirit

Only the warriors
Who have tasted defeat
Dance with the greatest joy
Under the rainbow;
This you have taught me,
Pure Spirit of the Skies;

Only those who have hunted
Many days with silent bows
Rejoice by the cooking fires;

Only those who have traveled far,
Far to find the purest stream
Laugh, laugh when they can drink
Water from its cup;

       So much waits for the seasoned warrior;
         As the moon has its phases before it is full.

           Written in 1997 by Connie Nelson Ahlberg - All Rights Reserved.

I want to also honor Greg Larsen, incomparable musician and spiritual warrior, as he completes his Earthly walk. Prayers to the Larsen family in the spirit of the prayer above, which I hope,--feels like an embrace by the Great Spirit over us all.

Prayers of restoration and strength to the family of Mike Johnson (@Jampal_Sangye) in Henryville, Indiana, and to the entire community rocked by devastation from a tornado. May all be provided for in both spiritual and physical needs.


  1. This is true "honoring" -- thank you for this post. Am a follower! Looking foward to more inspiration on your new blog.

  2. Beautiful Connie! You are on your way!
