Monday, October 29, 2012

As True as God

A lamb's first steps by Peter Shanks from Lithgow, Australia Wikipedia

As True as God

I wish you peace
As true as God;
Joy to match
A young child's giggles
Of magical delight;
Friendship that endures past
Endings in time like
Ageless siblings at play
Or the vision of how innocence was;
You live in my memory
Until I see you again
And then
All of heaven 
Will be a luminous joy!
I knew you as
A gentle boy
Seeking truth;
I hold you
As one would hold
A star.

By Connie Nelson Ahlberg
Written October 28, 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Vote Builders

Vote Builders - Eagan, Minnesota

Old Woman Dozing by Nicolaes Maes

I messed up today. I was scheduled to phone Democratic voters from 1-5 at the Obama campaign office in Eagan, MN. I thought I was on last week's schedule of 4-7 P.M.  

If you're tired of the election, tired of the ads, and feeling a tad cynical, I have a remedy for you. Talk to the elderly voter, those in their 80's or 90's. I nearly choke up when I hang up. 

You hear a frail voice and explain why you're calling. They sound tentative. You know if you're lucky, someday you might be 80 or 90 years-old. You ask if they have a way to the polls and explain why you're calling. You thank them for being a good citizen.

You can't be jaded talking with the elderly. You know they've paid their dues and time may be limited. It feels like an honor to talk to them. Of course, it's an honor to talk to anyone.

A campaign office has a buzz this late in the election season. With so many on the phones, so many loud voices, it was even more than a buzz this evening. You pray you can hear the person dialed. Not using headphones, I plugged my ear. Someone just across the table from you is calling from the database as well. You think she's too loud, but you're probably too loud. It feels like the whole room is shouting. 

The food table changes: blueberry muffins, energy bars, water, Pepsi cans beginning to perspire, and bags of Doritos. A heavy-set woman comes in with sandwiches from Subway. She's all smiles. Mostly it's women who notice her come in, men being fewer in number.

I find out later at the end of my time, that we're 150 calls behind Minneapolis. We were calling into St. Paul. 

I tried to say Mike Obermueller without tripping over the syllables. I seemed to need my crib sheet.

The local campaign co-ordinator looks exhausted in her blue jeans. Her name is Hilary; she's always there. She said her parents ask her if she's taking care of herself.

"Now I just laugh," she said.  

"I'm trying to watch Frontline on both the President and former Gov. Romney. But I'm so tired when I leave here." 

"Romney is running for his father," Hilary told me, "to finish his father's goal; he isn't really running for himself. It's very interesting," her voice trailed off. 

The Democrats dialed by Vote Builder are upbeat. They're happy if you're happy. You're happy if they're happy. It's infectious.

I'm "with the program," one said. 

Tomorrow I'll go call again from the Eagan campaign office in Minnesota. If I'm lucky, they  will all be in their 90's. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Prayer of the Dog

Dog Nose By Elucidate - Wikipedia

Prayer of the Dog

Everyone forgets
I have two Masters!
They call me soulful,
And give me all the credit;
Yet, I know I am part
Of your mission;
A good dog can lead
Many to heaven;
I make no mistakes
(Or when I do I hide;)
I fetch; I sigh;
I romp; I play;
At my masters feet
Is how I pray;
Give me my final home--
Eternal love and a lasting bone.

1997 Connie Nelson Ahlberg

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Ever I Place My Trust—in You

Level Two Multiverse
By Silver Spoon - Wikipedia

Ever I Place my trust—in You
A Prayer to the God of All Creation

You are Unknowable, Impenetrable Splendor
That throws me to my knees
In awe-filled ecstasy;
Though I grieve Earth’s harshness…
I’m more than humbled by your multiverse,
A sky behind skies, beyond stars, beyond blackness
To You, All Light;

Forgive my lamentations!
Accept my gratitude!
While I am less than a speck,
Keep me part of Your Breath;
                   As ever I place my trust--in You.               

By Connie Nelson Ahlberg
Oct 11, 2011
All Rights Reserved.

Monday, October 1, 2012

My Friend, I Will Not Judge Thee

My friend, I will not judge thee, only love thee until we are old and need a cane.
You are a flower with your own lyre in a garden I see;
My words, my words, flow humbly flow to thee:

O friend, I will not judge thee, as I wish to be free from judgement.
I am patience, your devoted friend, as I have felt the sting--of impatience.
I offer thee beginner's mind, the mind of a devoted monk, abandoning any backpack carried for years. I am light; I am free. I am here for thee.

I know the peace of trust; thus, I offer it to you. Feel my arm 'round your shoulders.
I've dissolved in pools of acceptance - so I offer you an eddy of reflection in which I accept your entire being.
Holding resentment is like a poison, letting go I free unencumbered like gentle leaves
rocked in the trees. Forgiveness extends, extends to thee.
Seeking to be better than you takes me to competition, so I abandon striving at your expense.
Working ably and well sounds it's own trumpet. In non-striving, we both are free.
Dear friend, if I am your friend, I accept you--utterly.
In faith, love, and hope - stay with me.