White-tailed Deer, female
A Deer Visit
Two days ago, I pulled into a parking spot where I live. I opened the door and began to get out of the car.
Suddenly I noticed a visitor. The guest stood over my shoulder on the top of the hill which is part of another condominium complex adjacent to where I live.
A deer with a reddish coat was eating the mint-green, new leaves off a tree. It was wonderful to pause, remaining frozen a moment, to watch my four-footed visitor.
I can't imagine how heavenly the leaves must have tasted to the deer. The first delicacy of spring!
On Sunday April 22, in the northeastern part of the state, my cousin Gina saw a deer in her yard with "afterbirth on her tail." You have to be open to wonder to see it.
I think our suburban deer are more discreet. But Gina must be a shaman by now; she has moose eating out of the palm of her hand.
Gina and beloved friend